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benefits of babywearing


Promotes bonding.
Strengthens bonding with continuous contact, as the closeness of the newborn triggers the secretion of a number of hormones, such as oxytocin and prolactin. It helps against postpartum depression, since direct contact increases the level of other hormones, such as endorphins.

Provides security.
Provides security, babies attached to their bodies feel more secure and confident.

3. Benefits breastfeeding:
Benefits breastfeeding, carrying the baby nearby causes the mother to secrete oxytocin, which promotes milk let-down and a good establishment of breastfeeding.


1.They cry less
Babies who are carried are calmer and cry less.

2.They sleep better
They sleep better, it has been shown that babies with whom the kangaroo method has been used gain weight faster and sleep better.

Better psychomotor development
Better psychomotor development, the constant rocking generates in children better balance and better postural control, because their body is adapting to our movement.

4. Decrease colic
Decrease colic, carrying the baby in an upright position greatly benefits the baby's digestive system, which is still immature and facilitates the expulsion of gases.


It offers freedom in the daily life and movement of parents, allowing them to perform daily tasks and leisure time or travel and trips.
Helps the neurological maturation of children, the development of the vestibular system and muscle tone, to regulate temperature, breathing and heart rate.

for parents and babies

1.Psychological: Intrauterine environment
Mimics the intrauterine environment, favoring the well-known extrauterine gestation period, a key transition period in the first weeks of life.
Giving security and well-being to the babies.

Physiological: Locomotor development
Ergonomic posture favors good locomotor development of the back and hips. It even helps to correct slight dysplasias, or developmental alterations, of the hip.

3. Emotional: Healthy attachment
Facilitates a healthy attachment pattern. Helps establish bonding and a close parent-child relationship.
Less puerperal sadness, due to the oxytocin produced by being in contact with your child.