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Babywearing consultant

María, babywearing consultant, talks to us about Safe and ergonomic babywearing in baby carriers.

Babywearing consultant, Maria.

I am extremely happy that Pilar (Founder of Somomu) has given me the opportunity to help her so that ergonomic and safe babywearing reaches everywhere and in this case through the use of her baby carriers.

My name is María Barreras and I am an early childhood educator and PORTER ADVISOR. Both professions are vocational par excellence and that is why I live them with true passion and although my work at certain times does not have an economic compensation, I do not mind because "the collection" can be done in many ways, and if it is getting certain information to reach as many people as possible, there is no money that can pay for it. So let's get to it:

Ergonomic baby carrier does not mean ergonomic carrying since the ergonomics will be given by us according to the use we make of it.

In order to be sure that we are carrying optimally, we must make sure that we are following the guidelines for safe and ergonomic carrying.

If these are well done, we will guarantee a long-lasting babywearing, since both the baby's physiognomy and the adult's body will be 100% cared for, avoiding possible interferences produced by different reasons that may cause the babywearing to end.


Safe babywearing is based on applying the three keys that make it safe.


Knowing how to tilt the pelvis properly is essential to ensure the correct position of our baby. The baby rests on our body at the intermediate point between the pubis and the pelvic floor.

If we tilt the pelvis well, the knees will rise so that they are higher than the buttocks.

As a consequence of the above, the back will be rounded into a "C" shape.


Babies are not stupid, if the baby carrier is too tight, the baby will complain because it will be uncomfortable. But on the contrary, if it is not tight enough, the baby will not be uncomfortable.

When we give a correct adjustment, the height and position that we have given at the beginning will be maintained, so if we are losing the placement of the carrier will mean that we have adjusted it wrong.

It is a matter of safety. A bad position with good tension will be safe for the baby. But a good position with a bad tension will not be safe.


Clear airways does not equal visible airways.

Chin away from the sternum.

Head cocked to one side.

If we have the airways well positioned but do not have good tension, the position will be lost.


Ergonomic carrying is ergonomic because it respects the baby's natural posture by adapting to each stage of development, distributes the baby's weight evenly over the adult and ensures continuous contact with the caregiver.

But ergonomic carrying does not always mean ergonomic baby carrier, the ergonomics will be given by us according to the use we make of it.

It is true that there are some baby carriers that although they are sold as ergonomic in reality they are not and we must be careful with these items because their use could be harmful to the physical development of our babies and to our physical integrity by being harmful to the physical development of our babies and to our physical integrity by causing forced postures for babies and misallocating their weight in our body. So the guidelines to follow will be:

1st Well adjusted.

It should be tight enough so that the baby does not separate from your body if you bend over, but with a minimum of slack. A trick is to allow us to put a finger between us and our baby.

If it is too loose, the baby will adopt an incorrect posture and it will be neither ergonomic nor safe.

And if it is too tight you will pull the shoulders forward forced by the pressure of the fabric and crush the baby's back making it unsafe and not ergonomic again.

Adjust as often as necessary until you are comfortable and confident.

2º Height of kisses.

The baby should be placed high enough to be able to kiss his head but not to be able to hit him with our chin. When they are newborns, the reference is that they should be placed above the navel, but as they grow, the height will have to be adjusted and they will be lower.

3º Airway clear.

Prevent your chin from sticking to your chest, as this closes your airway.

Do not cover your face completely.

Check the position of the head, it should be tilted and looking slightly upwards.

4º C-shaped back.

We must take into account the developmental stage of the baby and always try to respect what the baby's nature can do at that moment.

5º Pelvis in retroversion.

The pelvis should be with the lower part forward and the perineum resting on your body.

6º Legs in M.

"Froggy position. Respect the baby's developmental stage.

7th Comfortable adult.

If we are not comfortable and we start to have pain due to bad practice, we will stop carrying but we will not stop carrying the baby in our arms, so let's do everything possible so that this does not happen because it will be of great help.

Straight back.

Centers of gravity as close as possible.

Pelvis on axis with your legs and feet parallel.


I hope this information will help you a lot, I give it to you with all my love. But if with all this you have the feeling that you could carry better, or you want to be sure to do it right, you can contact me to hire a consultant and to do it in a more personalized way.

Phone: 659655930



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